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Feb-06-2005 Updates:
Updated menu.
Added 2 signatures.

Oct-31-04 Updates:
Happy Halloween!!

Hope you all remembered to reset your clock!

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Feburary 2004 News Archive...

Current News
Lots of things....

Well, first off, let me start by saying hello to all the new people in our Clan! It is great to have you all along with us and I look forward to spending time to get to know each and every one of you. Next, let me also say hello and thank you to all those folks that have come to this website, either out of interest in our clan, or searching for information. Glad to have you stopping by! And lastly, a huge patch has been released. Dynamis A.K.A. Limbo has finally been unleashed on the world, as well as MANY other changes. I\'d post them all here, but there are way to many to do that.... So, there\'s our quick update on the state of things. :)

Posted by Tsara on February 26, 2004.

Quest Added

Information on how to get your chocobo license added in the menu to the left.

Posted by Lythia on February 19, 2004.

Site Updates

Added Races and Signatures, a.k.a. banners, sections. Took out the opening page to chose to go the site or forums. Also added the PlayOnline tool at the bottom of the page, this can take you to other community sites, show latest news, and you can search their FAQ.

Posted by Lythia on February 17, 2004.

Where dragons fly, there are no limits.

Welcome to the new Clan Dragon site everyone! If you all hate it terribly I can restore the old one.

I have been working on redoing the Clan Dragon site, and today I decided to do it. So here you have it. I will be working on the forums next, as I have been meaning to fix the design.

Please let me know what you think of the new site on the Forums! I look forward to feedback! This is your site too.

Posted by Lythia on February 15, 2004.


Changes are a coming...

Posted by Lythia on February 15, 2004.

Site Updates

Screenshots section has been at long last updated, sorry for the very long delay on that!

And...we have a new banner!

Posted by Lythia on February 14, 2004.

New Member!

I would like to give a warm welcome to Steele! Glad to have ya!

Posted by Nehpets on February 12, 2004.

New Member!

I would like to welcome Cdub to the Clan Dragon community! Welcome Cdub!

Posted by Nehpets on February 10, 2004.

New Members!

Let us also welcome today some new members! Bek, Shirts, and LeoDeSol! Very happy to have you along with us!

Posted by Tsara on February 9, 2004.

New Officers!

Congrats to our newly promoted officers! Autolycus, Rinoah, Nehpets and Rastagard! Glad to have you with us!

Posted by Tsara on February 9, 2004.

Clan Dragon Site :
(c) 2003-2005 Zoe Franklyn. AKA Lythia
(c) 2001-2005 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. Title Design by Yoshitaka Amano. FINAL FANTASY, TETRA MASTER and VANA'DIEL are registered trademarks of Square Enix Co., Ltd. SQUARE ENIX, PLAYONLINE and the PlayOnline logo are trademarks of Square Enix Co., Ltd.
Dragon Image:
© Ruth Thompson. All rights reserved! Read the legal information.
Ruth Thompson's Tarnished Images
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