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Feb-06-2005 Updates:
Updated menu.
Added 2 signatures.

Oct-31-04 Updates:
Happy Halloween!!

Hope you all remembered to reset your clock!

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We`re moving!

Myou and Cali have been hard at work building a new website for us, coinciding with the upcoming release of Final Fantasy XIV. The forums here have links and such, and they are still being used regularly. Once they have everything solidified we will be moving everything to the new site. Everyone is excited about the new possibilities for Clan Dragon in FFXIV; we hope to see you and all of your friends there!

Posted by Shinrai on August 5, 2010.

CD Weddings!

So, we\'re have a couple upcoming weddings to celebrate in Clan Dragon!

Narumii and Shinrai will be wed on May 22nd 2010!

Fufu and I will be wed on May 1st 2010!

If anyone is in the Colorado area or feels like a road trip around that time, let me know and I\'ll send an {/invite to join party} your way. Either PM me, or let me know on this thread.

Posted by Barrett on June 3, 2009.

CD Weddings!

So, we have a couple upcoming weddings to celebrate in Clan Dragon!

Narumii and Shinrai will be wed on May 22nd 2010!

Fufu and I will be wed on May 1st 2010!

If anyone is in the Colorado area or feels like a road trip around that time, let me know and I\'ll send an {/invite to join party} your way. Either PM me, or let me know on this thread.

Posted by Barrett on June 3, 2009.

Merry X-Mas!

Just a friendly Merry X-Mas to everyone out there from Clan Dragon (And those of us that are no longer in the game but still think the world of all of you.) ^_^

Posted by Tsara on December 25, 2008.

Our Clan

Many of you know of the recent theft Arrett`s account thanks to RMT. This has caused him to consider throwing in the towel for good, as SE has been less than cooperative, and in turn lead me to rethink and consider why I myself continue to pay SE and play FFXI. After five years now, our clan has stuck together, few if any linkshells have lasted as long. I commend you all on your commitment to our friends and our clan. It is because of the people involved that we have stayed alive for so long, and personally I am very grateful. Hopefully, we will see Arrett back in action soon, and as the summer passes the mid-point, we have another year ahead of us to escape together into Vana\'diel. Thank you all for a wonderful Clan. Cheers

Posted by Shinrai on June 26, 2008.

Member\'s List down

Hi everyone! Yes, we\'rre awarre that the memberrs\' list link is currrently not functioning. Hopefully Lythia will get a chance to fix it forr us soon! Until then, therre\'s always the Jobs/Levels boarrd in the forrums! Thanks forr yourr patience.

Posted by Winter on April 23, 2008.

The Old is New

First of all, welcome back to the returning members of old, and welcome to the many new members we have had over the last month. We continue have a lot going on in the Clan, as several members are feverishly campaigning in the past and leveling the new jobs. There is a new Eco-Warrior static of sorts on Sunday evenings, headed up by Goldess, while another group is well on their way to finish up the Chains of Promathia missions! We also have an Optical Hat run scheduled for April the 27th, so come out and lend a hand if you are able or check out the forum if you are interested in getting a hat for yourself!

Posted by Shinrai on April 17, 2008.


Wooooootzorz! lol* Happy NewYears Dragons! All the officers and I wish you the best for 2008! Let\'s hope we have another eventful and fun year full of good times and great laughs! Cheers, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ Edo ^_^

Posted by Edowado on January 1, 2008.

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas! Dragons, friends and fellow adventurer\'s! May you all be safe for the holiday season.

Posted by Edowado on December 27, 2007.

Forums are Back

I am very sorry about the forums going down for a couple days! They are back up and running!

Posted by Lythia on October 11, 2007.

Forums are down!

So everyone knows, the forums are DOWN and will be for a few days. Lythia is aware of this and is working on the issue, but given the constraints of family and RL job... it will take as long as it takes. There\'s a chance that we\'ll lose some of our history and our posts... but hopefully she\'ll be able to bring it back for us. Thank you for your patience.

Posted by Winter on October 10, 2007.

The Revenge! ToAU Missions & Limbus

So some big plans this weekend!!! First off \"The REVENGE\" AA fight Divine Might! Arrett (The Cat came back) has been gathering 17 volunteers to slaughter the Ark Angels... muhahhah as you all know last time we fought them, it was an epic battle! So this late night Saturday after Limbus, this $#!T gets real! Still lots of spots open so anyone willing to help, contact the officers or Arrett. Speaking of Limbus, on Saturday we start RSoW time AKA: 7pm Mountain Time. So anyone who is LimboEnabled feel free to come with us :) Next up! ToAU Missions, Myou is getting anyone interested to join up and pwn our way through some TOAU missions starting with Black Coffin, so if you are there come on down 10pm EST This Friday! Thats all for now folks, Peace!

Posted by Edowado on September 7, 2007.

Ohat Run 28th of March

Just a reminder that Myou and co. are gathering some peeps for another Ohat Run, so if you have a cluster then bring that and you should get a shot at killing the eye! Also if you don\'t have a cluster, you can work extra hard to get one done by that date :) PS. On a side note Congratulations to Winter for getting 75 BLM finally! and Many others in the various statics that are reaching on 50\'s, 70\'s/75! Also a big shout out to you all in the clan kicking serious tail on your own time and reaching the golden line to CD victory also ^_^ Peace Dragons, Edo.

Posted by Edowado on March 25, 2007.

Off Topic, but it is important :)

Posted by Lythia on December 7, 2006.


LOL* Hey everyone!!! Finally our crack team of suicidal ClanDragon peeps after 3 Runs with about 11 tries...We managed to PWN the Ark Angels hahahhah~ The didn\'t know what hit them! It was tough but we pulled through and showed them what we are made of! I give congrats to all the 18 alliance members that won! Many thanks to those who joined us from other shells! You have a place with CD ^_^ Woooooooot!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee We PWNED THEM, WE PWNED THEM.... NANANANANNANANANANAN NA NA.... hahhahhaha GIGITTY GIGITTY!!! CLAN DRAGON REPRESENT!!!!!! Till next time ^_~, EDO.

Posted by Edowado on November 20, 2006.

Phantasy Star Forum

For those who are interested, there is now a Phantasy Star forum in the Clan Dragon in other MMORPG section for anyone who is interested in Phantasy Star Universe to share info and meet up.

Posted by LeoDeSol on October 30, 2006.

Updated Member List

Member list upgraded!

The old member list is still available, but I will delete it on

DECEMBER 1st 2006!

Please move your data to the new memberlist by then (see link on the left!).

Thanks, sorry for any inconvenience.

Posted by Lythia on October 14, 2006.

CoP missions

So far we\'ve done a really good job getting people going on the CoP missions. We\'re up to mission 3-5, and from here it gets harder! Good luck to everyone making the attempt, and if anyone else needs this mission and would like to join, please leave us a post in the mission thread!

Posted by Winter on July 2, 2006.

Optical Hat Run!!!! @_@\'\'

Ok people, We have an OHat run happening tonight at around 10pm est, Cephas is heading the event with members of his other linkshell and ofcourse from ours, there is a thread in the statics board at the bottom if you need more info. Or check in with us on the LS chat ingame. We are going with people who already have clusters and only need the NM fight ^^. If you have a cluster and would like to come, let us know, also if you just want to come kill stuff, heh heh more the merrier!

Posted by Edowado on June 22, 2006.

...gaaaaa lol*

Ok in the previous post, where I said Tommorrow I actually ment Today.... hahahha....APRIL 13 CD Fight Club!!! ok Im going to go sleep lol* Z_Z

Posted by Edowado on April 13, 2006.

CD Fight Club Update!

The 1st CD Fight Club, Tommorrow will begin at 9pm Eastern! \"Rulude Gardens in Jeuno\" Arrett has reserved it and just notified me of the correct time, again see you all there and bring your A Game lol* ^_^

Posted by Edowado on April 13, 2006.

1st Ever Fight Club!

Okay, the first ever Fight Club will be held on Thursday, April 13th. Arrett has reserved the field and will give an exact time. The slots are for 2hour blocks which probably means we\'ll get something like 10pm - 12am EST. If your going to participate, please make sure you have your Ballista Licence and are in Jeuno around the start time. If you cannot make it but want to, dont worry too much, this is just the first of many that will be going on. At this time Arrett is planning on holding an event at least once a month, possibly twice if I can keep up with the reservation fees and there is enough interest. PS. (Edo)- Remember its all about having fun and testing your skills out against your own Clannies! Don\'t get discouraged if you don\'t win a fight, no job is better then another, each job just has a different way of kicking peoples asses lol* That being said, See you all there ^_~

Posted by Edowado on April 12, 2006.



We have a new ways to get here:


Also, to go directly to the forums:


Posted by Lythia on January 31, 2006.

Upgrading Site

Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to let you know that I am going to be upgrading the web space either 1/30 or 1/31, so the site may be down at some point then. I will also be backing up the forums and once I have done that I will lock it until the move over is complete.

Sorry for inconvience this is going to cause.

Be Safe,

~ Lythia

Posted by Lythia on January 29, 2006.

Happy New Year

Hope everyone had a great New Year`s Eve and can enjoy a wonderful New Year in and out of Vana`diel. Keep checking the boards for events and such, as there is plenty to be expected with the comming of new times as well as our continuing growth as a Clan.

Posted by Shinrai Asahi on January 8, 2006.

Holiday Gathering

Happy Holidays, everryone! It\'s that time of yearr again. Time when we starrt expecting cold temperraturres and maybe even snow. Time when we\'rre looking forrwarrd to the merrriment of the holiday season, whateverr the holiday we choose to celebrrate. That also means that it\'s time once again forr a Clan Gatherring! This isn\'t necessarrily holiday themed, it\'s simply a chance forr everry Drragon to get togetherr to meet and grreet and have some fun as a family. This yearr\'s gatherring will be held on Sunday, Decemberr 11th at 3:00pm pacific / 6:00pm easterrn / 11:00pm GMT. We will meet in the Temple of the Goddess in Upperr Jeuno forr some fun and surrprrises, and then adjourrn to have fun with Expeditionarry Forrce rruns. We hope to see everryone therre!

Posted by Winter on December 1, 2005.

Keep it up!!

Everyone has been working really hard lately, gaining levels, knocking out missions, helping with AF and various other things. Some of us killed Roc again a while back, and many people managed to finish ZM 4-12 over a single weekend, big thanks to Leodesol for organizing that. Congratulations to all of the recent victories and a big welcome to all new members.

Posted by Shinrai Asahi on November 2, 2005.

Zilart Mission Madness!

Hey Everyone!!! Ok LeodeSol has organized some Zilart Mission Madness (AkA ZM Runs lol*) for October 22nd and the 23rd!!! Everyone interested in joining please post in the thread located in the Quests/Missions/Statics section! Have your sneak and Invis potions/Food/Reraise and Warp Scrolls ready please! Also in order to do ZM, you have to finish Mission 5-2 (ShadowLord Fight) and gone to Norg then Khazam for the cutscenes ZM1-3. Please come out and Support the Event ^_^ Clan Dragon Represent!!!!~

Posted by Edowado on October 18, 2005.

Summer Time Blues!

Hey all!!!! Welcome back from the long days of Summer rest and relaxation! Hope you all had some good times and tons of fun! Time to get things in gear though as the DD Static, RSoW and the HWK Static are getting back into the leveling gear and mindset! Once everyone gets reorganized, look foward to some ENM, HNM, NM, AF Keys, Missions and Prommy runs! Please post on the Forums if anyone has any good ideas or plans for events! These Forums are our main means of communication! So use them teehee.. Also Rememeber to Vote for ClanDragon on the Top FFXI List at the bottom! Edo out~ ^_^

Posted by Edowado on August 31, 2005.

July Madness!

Hey all, Edo here wishing everyone a great summer! Happy Canada Day and 4th of July! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~ Also a grand welcome to all our new members from the past months, Congrats to those who have reached the high 70\'s, and 60\'s now ^^ Remember to Vote for ClanDragon on the Top FFXI sites, and keep your eyes open for the new July FFXI update which is bound to change and add alot of stuff lol* ohhhhhh and congrats on Clan Dragons first official HNM Kill of Roc! ^_^;; way to show that over grown bird a thing or two lol... ::waves the no greed flag::

Posted by Edowado on July 4, 2005.

Congrats & Reminder

Hey Everyone!! Just wanted to give some Congrats to the Clan Dragon Members! Many of you are now reaching the post level 50 madness!! \"So be sure to expect some fun stuff for us to do in alliances soon\" Not only that but we have lots of members going on 30+,40+,50+ Statics who are making thier lvlin\' goals a reality! Good job! and keep up the CD Representing style ^_~ Also a friendly reminder to all members to remember to vote for our website on the Top 200 FFXI sites \"the link is found on the bottom of this page, so clicky away and vote!\" Weeeeeee~~

Posted by Edowado on May 6, 2005.

In Memory of Nevets

Posted by Lythia on March 30, 2005.

In Memory of Nevets

Posted by Lythia on March 30, 2005.


I just wanted to post something in mention of our beloved friend and Clanbrother, Nevets. Nevets - Steven - was a good man and a good friend. He contributed a lot to making this Clan what it is. And more than that... he was a brother to many of us. He will be missed by everyone. We love you, Steven. May you rest in peace and be happy there.

Posted by Winter on March 10, 2005.

New Alliance

Clan Dragon and Bastok Champions are proud to announce an alliance between the two linkshells.

This new meeting of the minds is sure to bring about more events, and a better experience for both Clans.

Posted by Nevets on February 5, 2005.

Skill Up Party ^^

Quick Announcement Tsara has organized for tomorrow, Thursday! January/27/2005 Starting at ~5:30pm PST a weapon skill up adventure! Here is your chance to level up those weapons you always wanted to beat mobs up with/sport with style ^^ Everyone is meeting in bastok and will decide on the zone of skilling once gathered, Come out and have some Clan fun!^^

Posted by Edowado on January 27, 2005.

Happy New Year

A New Year dawns on all of us. Here\'s hoping that everybody has a great year and many great adventures... in and out of Final Fantasy XI

Posted by Nevets on January 1, 2005.

Site Changes

Fixed the charter, on forums and main page, fixed a few of the links on the left - Races, Scroll List, Stone Monuments, Added a dayoftheweek picture - soon as I learn random php coding I will make it random :). And I archived the news so it doesn\'t run forever on the main page :).

Hope everyone is having a great time in game!

Posted by Lythia on October 26, 2004.

Windhurst Eco-Warrior

Although I am not quite sure why I did not post this here earlier, I will do it now in hopes that we can get this thing done soon. There is a thread in missions/quests for Windhurst Eco-Warrior. I will most likely be clearing the way, and we still have about 6 spots left. If anyone wants to join us, send me a /tell in game, or post in that thread. Thanks =)

Posted by Shinrai Asahi on October 12, 2004.

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Clan Dragon Site :
(c) 2003-2005 Zoe Franklyn. AKA Lythia
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